Polly Luce

Contemporary paintings

Joyful abstract landscapes

Polly is a British painter living in North Somerset, UK. Her work is a response to the joy of experiencing a landscape; Her focus is concerned with how it feels to be within a landscape rather than depicting a realistic representation. Through free and loose compositions, full of colour and gestural, expressive marks, the viewer is invited to meander through vibrant fields or along the coast; the landscape of Polly’s home and childhood.

Through her paintings, Polly seeks to express the pleasure of being outside and celebrate the small joys of day to day life. Her paintings are created intuitively and begin to take form by building on fragments of memory, place and imagination and through the gradual build up of layers.

‘Music, poems, landscape and dogs make me want to paint… and painting is what allows me to survive.’ (Joan Mitchell)

Work is available from select galleries across the UK and directly.